We have always lived in the city and I'm not very glad about it, because every time I got the chance to travel to the countryside I see all I have missed, although not everything is perfect in there, has lots of things I think city should feel jealousy about. Both have great things and not so good things, but this time, I'm gonna focus in countryside and what's important to know about what's the importance of being there and what is not good for you to be there.
Firstly, is important to talk about he advantages of living far away from the city and eradicate in a small town. The people is nice, is kind with you, they salutes you with a smile without even know you, so as they open the door of their houses to chare their food and the worm of home. Because sometimes they are small towns, all people know each other and they don't covet someone else's properties, so you can see bicycles leaved lying around without fear of stealing, that's why at night they don't lock the door. You can feel safe about everyone.
So as well, the view is beautiful, there is nothing better than go to a mountain and the town from there and see the color degradation of green trees and blue sky. If you want to change airs and run away from pollution the countryside is the fist option everybody should take. And if you want to add something extra, all professional careers are well paid because of the high demand, for example, if you want to go and work as a teacher or architect or even a police official you can earn three times more than in the city, so it’s a option to think.
But nothing is perfect; the transportation is not very frequent so you have to plan according to their schedules to go somewhere. And because of the high demand I was telling you before, there are few products in the market, so the prices are to much expensive, I mean the prices of basic products, like flour, bread and milk.
The worst thing of all, is that basic contains aren’t that high like as in the city. You may not really have what you need to take an exam properly.
You need to make a contrast between the city and the countryside and decide what you prefer, although easily you can live in the city and travel to countryside in vacations, but is up to you, I wouldn’t change the facilities of my dear city, but I love countryside! What do you prefer?
1 comentario:
Excellent! You have great ideas, well organized and you have used a variety of vocabulary and grammar structures.
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